【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】 I am doing for myself to see 我做给自己看

【The Varieties of Karma】- I am doing for myself to see

Therefore, regarding this, it is why I so praise my teacher. It is why I now understand what he said, "When I do this, I am doing it for my own self to see!" I understand it now. It is right! I am doing it for myself to see. No mistake in this. I am not doing it to show others. When we get to this point, I finally understand something about the story that I told you. This was why that among all the offerings to the Three Jewels in Tibet, the handful of dust by Baen Gunggyael was the best offering. You still remember this!? He took a handful of dust and spread it on the altar. As a result, a person with great achievement said, "There, the best offering in all of Tibet was the handful of dust by Baen Gung-gyael." If we go to the kitchen stove, pick up some ashes and spread it on the altar, would that make it the best offering? Would not it be ludicrous? So why [was it the best offering]? He understood, ah, that his thoughts were incorrect. He was doing it to show others. Immediately, [he thought what he did was] wrong! So he purified it, purified the intention! This is what we should understand. Like that.


60B 25’37” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P142 L7
English Lamrim Vol 1 P245

日常师父法语📡60B 25’37” 手抄稿第8册P142 L7

业果 : 我做给自己看



【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】 the subjective aspects of my mind, is it pure? 我的心相,净否?


【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】Unexcelled enlightenment (2) 不希异熟-2