【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】Unexcelled enlightenment (1) 不希异熟-1
【The Varieties of Karma】- Unexcelled enlightenment (1)
This attitude is described from two aspects: self-directed and others-directed.
【From your creation of good causes - which is dedicating the virtues towards unexcelled enlightenment】
Now we would do all kinds of virtuous deeds. After you have done these virtues, whether you want it or not, there will certainly be virtuous effects. So when I do them (virtuous deeds), I will say I did not do it for other purpose. Why? It is for the unexcelled enlightenment. I absolutely do not wish for fruition. I absolutely do not wish for fruition. This is the point we need to understand. In order to deepen your impression of this, I wish to bring something up. We often will do a little something. After we have done it, we always hope that others will know about it. Ah! So we let others know. Or after you have done it, in your mind, without you being aware, there is a desire to do it to show others. Other people who are hoping for fruitions, they are not hoping for results in this life. They are [at least] looking to the future [lives]! Now for us, we cannot even wait until the result appearing in the future lives. We wish everyone will see right away what we are doing, "Look, I am doing something good."
60B 23’35” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P141 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P245
日常师父法语📡60B 23’35”手抄稿第8册P141 L5
业果 : 不希异熟-1