【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】8 attributes of the fruitions 八异熟功德
【The Varieties of Karma】- 8 attributes of the fruitions
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59B 27’34” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P106 LL5
There are these eight things, these eight things. He then explains it some more.
【Moreover, the first, consummate life span, is living in a happy realm.】
Among these eight things, you must be living in a happy realm. This particularly points to the human realm.
【The second, consummate color, is the body.】
This is the body. Then number three.
【The third, consummate lineage, is birth.】
This is his family background.
【The fourth, consummate power, is resources and helpers. The fifth, trustworthy words, is being an authority in the world.】
What is number five? It is his words. Everyone trusts him. If you wish to do anything in this world, the standard of measurement is this, the standard of measurement. He just needs to say one thing, and everyone else would feel that it is right, it is right. Then things are settled [on both sides]! For what you need to do, this is important.
【The sixth, renown as a great power, is fame about such power.】
Just like this. For those who come in contact with you of course it is as such. Even for those who have no direct contact with you, they would hear it and ah! Such person is this and this way. This is very important to us. Number seven,
【The seventh, being a male, is having the capacity for all good qualities.】
If we wish to complete all good qualities, it is very important to be a male.
【The eighth, strength, is having power in your activities.】
For the activities you do, you need this qualification.
59B 27’34” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P106 LL5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P243
日常师父法语📡59B 27’34” 手抄稿第8册P106 LL5
业果 : 八异熟功德