【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】Our sickness comes from four types of causes and conditions 生病的四种因缘
【The Varieties of Karma】- Our sickness comes from four types of causes and conditions
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59B 23’04” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P104 L5
【Being a male is to have a male organ. Having strength is, by the power of previous karma, naturally experiencing little illness, or without illness at all, and a great enthusiasm arising from this life's circumstances. 】
Number eight, this is to have great strength. This primarily describes the leverage you obtain from previous karma. Many people talk about medicine now. Medicine is absolutely useful. But we should know that our sickness comes from four types of causes and conditions, four types of causes and conditions. The first one is the imbalance of the four elements. (Translator note: the four elements are earth, water, fire and wind.) The doctor can treat the imbalance of the four elements and you would need the doctor to treat it. The second one is an effect issued by previous karma. The doctors cannot do anything about this. The third one is the disturbances caused by ghosts and deities. The doctors cannot do anything about this either. The fourth one is your own fault, such as you doing something you should not have done. For instance, we should eat only an appropriate amount where food is concerned. But one may not eat appropriately and/or consume something which he should not have. As for the weather, he is not aware of it being hot or cold. Therefore, there are components things this sort. These are mainly the four types. One of them has to do with the four elements in which case is treated by the doctor. But actually, the strength that is described here stems primarily from by the power of one’s previous karma, by the power of one’s previous karma.
59B 23’04” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P104 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P243
日常师父法语📡59B 23’04”手抄稿第8册P104 L5
业果 : 生病的四种因缘