【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】 Wrong views and malice weaken virtuous karma 邪见与嗔恚损坏善业
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- Wrong views and malice weaken virtuous karma
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4B 14’57” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P278 LL2
【Bhavaviveka's Blaze of Reasons (Tarka-jvala) says:440
Wrong views and malice weaken virtuous karma. Remedies such as repudiation, restraint, and confession weaken bad karma. Whenever any of these attitudes are present, they reduce the potency of the seeds deposited by the virtuous and nonvirtuous karma, even though the combination of conditions for the karma to take effect are already in place. So where would an effect come from, and what would it be like? Because there is no combination of conditions for maintaining the potency of the seeds deposited by karma, the time for being maintained has changed. Because of this, there is a thorough eradication of the karma.】
Nah, the commentary has told us this. Say if you have done virtues, have planted all sorts of them, done all sorts of virtuous karma. But later on, due to wrong views or malice, you have weakened the virtuous karma, weakened it. This is one point that we need to be very cautious with, be cautious with! The opposite of that would be the case for nonvirtues. If say you understand this and know the faults of misdeeds, so you repudiate it. To repudiate means you resent [what you've done] and reproach [yourself for it]. Adding to that, you restrain yourself to avoid another occurrence and you confess it. You will then have remedied it. This is what we should diligently make efforts at. These two scenarios present the case when a virtuous or a nonvirtuous karma has been weakened, though they may meet with the combination of conditions, these karma will not take effect,…
64B 14’57” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P278 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P255
日常师父法语📡64B 14’57” 手抄稿第8册P278 LL2
业果 : 邪见与嗔恚损坏善业