【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】The power of applying remedies – dependence on names 对治力-依名号
【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- The power of applying remedies – dependence on names
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63B 09’42” Vol 8 of Lamrim Commentary P242 LL2
【6) "Dependence on names" means to hear the recitation of and retain the names of buddhas and great conquerors' children. 】
This last one is on "names." Now when one recites the Buddha's name, it is this. To recite the Avalokiteshvara's
name, it is this. To recite the Ksitigarbha's name, it is this. To recite "Om mani padme hum," it is this. "Om mani
padme hum" should be the mantra, the previously mentioned mantra. But regardless of [the name of] which
conqueror's children you recite, it is this. These are the six.
【These six types of remedies are only those that occur in Santideva's Compendium of Trainings. There are many others. 】
There are others. However, the essentials are mentioned here and these are what they are. This is what we should understand.
63B 09’42” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P242 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P253
日常师父法语📡63B 09’42”手抄稿第8册P242 LL2
业果 : 对治力-依名号