【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】Offerings to non-perceived objects will bring even more merits 不现前供养功德更大

【Cultivating Ethical Behaviour】- offerings to non-perceived objects will bring even more merits

For the offerings, does everyone remember this?  The "attitude" is the most important, right?  Does everyone remember? If you can make an offering with the six types of attitudes, then even with a very small offering, you will develop very great merits.  Therefore, all that we covered earlier are the most important fundamentals. If you do not learn well of the materials earlier, you will not be able to apply what we learn later. Does everyone understand?  If you have learned the earlier parts well, by this time the effects are immediately shown.   Hence how can one not succeed in his cultivation? And we would sometimes say that the Buddha is not present.  He told this to us very clearly earlier, very clearly! Though offerings to perceived objects will bring a vast store of merits, but offerings to nonperceived objects will bring even more merits!  Non-perceived means that the Buddha is not present. But if you truly offer in a way that accords with the teaching, this will bring even more merits when the Buddha is not present! This is on offering.  


63B 08’52” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P242 L6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P253

日常师父法语📡63B 08’52” 手抄稿第8册P242 L6

业果 : 不现前供养功德更大



【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】The power of applying remedies – dependence on names 对治力-依名号


【 Cultivating Ethical Behaviour 业果】The power of applying remedies – dependence on worship 对治力-依供养