【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】fruit of a sravaka 声闻之因
【The Varieties of Karma】-fruit of a sravaka
【The Sutra on the Ten Levels says415 that those who have cultivated these ten through fear of cyclic existence and without [great] compassion, but following the words of others, will achieve the fruit of a sravaka.】
So then for the aforementioned ten non-virtuous actions and the ten virtuous actions, these produce the fruits within the human and deity realms. The sutra describes something deeper. You have a more correct Chapter 14(Part II) Pg 363 understanding of the reality of cyclic existence, meaning no matter how great or bad the karma, these all fall within cyclic existence. Thus, it is just as frightening to be born as a deity. Knowing this, you will wholeheartedly wish to escape. But you have only thought of yourself, you have not developed compassion. This is the first case. Then "following the words of others," this means you have already heard the transformative teachings from the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and so you strive to practice. This is called "the fruit of a sravaka."
58B 10’59” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P60 LL5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P239
日常师父法语📡58B 10’59” 手抄稿第8册P60 LL5
业果 : 声闻之因