【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】worldly principles vs correct views 世俗道理与正确知见

【The Varieties of Karma】-worldly principles vs correct views

Therefore when we encounter a situation like this, if we do not understand, so be it. Once we understand, we should not be trapped in the worldly principles and be fooled! We would always feel, ah-yo, as if...this is the case for those who have read many books, they feel they know lots of principles. Wrong! Your principles are all those of the mundane world, those within the cyclic existence. Here, when we truly discern between virtues and non-virtues, we need to discern from this perspective, from this perspective. Therefore we particularly want to emphasize the causally concordant effect and the environmental effects. These two points are especially important, especially important, especially important to our cultivation! Because what our ears and eyes come across, our every arising thought is nonetheless within these. Once you have a correct understanding, for any situation that you encounter, it would be a time to restrain from and have contrition for your non-virtuous actions and increase your virtuous actions. This is a concept that we should understand.


58B 09’51” Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P60 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P238

日常师父法语📡58B 09’51”手抄稿第8册P60 L3

业果 : 世俗道理与正确知见



【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】fruit of a sravaka 声闻之因


【 The Varieties of Karma 业果】Child with good casually concordant cause and effect 好等流的小孩