【 The General Characteristic of Karma 业果】It seems that even if we don’t practice the Dharma, we can still… 好像不修也可以...

【The General Characteristic of Karma】- It seems that even if we don’t practice the Dharma, we can still…

If you do not train in them, no matter how great your life is now..."lineage" is your family background. Sometimes when we talk, we would say, his family is this and that, and his study is this and that. But if you do not cultivate, these would be useless! Yes, this person might be very beautiful, very smart, young, and superior to others in every aspect. Not only that, they have great power, enormous wealth, eh, even if this is the case, ah, sorry, "will not find happiness in future lives." These things at the moment of your death, will be just as if you were in a dream. Then finally, sorry, you will fall [into miserable realms] and suffer.


51B 20’02” Vol 7 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P97 LL5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P213

日常师父法语📡51B 20’02” 手抄稿第7册P97 LL5

业果 : 好像不修也可以...



【 The General Characteristic of Karma 业果】From being dry to filling up the ocean 从干涸渐成大海


【 The General Characteristic of Karma 业果】 Happiness in current and future lives 今生后世的安乐要靠修行