【 The General Characteristic of Karma 业果】Why did he scold you? 他为什么骂你?
【The General Characteristic of Karma】- Why did he scold you?
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50B 14’31” Vol 7 of Lamrim Commentary P61 L2
When others are lazy, you will at the most feel pitiful for them, "Ah, it is so pitiful for this person, if I have the
ability, I will help him." In your mind, you will not generate even a little bit of afflictions. If he comes to hit you, you will not generate any afflictions. If he scolds you, you will react the same way. Even if he were to kill you, it is like that. Why? Because you understand. It is a karma taking fruition. Why does he come to scold you? Why does he not come to scold me? Ah, the reason is very simple! That is, you have harmed him before, now you are paying back, you are paying back. Therefore, it is reasonable! For all the things in the world, it is this way for things that happened before. It is so for what happens now. And now you would not just be casually doing these things. This is the foundation to Buddhism.
50B 14’31” Vol 7 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P61 L2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P211
日常师父法语📡50B 14’31” 手抄稿第7册P61 L2
业果 : 他为什么骂你?