【 The General Characteristic of Karma 业果】The correct viewpoint for all Buddhists 真正佛弟子的正见

【The General Characteristic of Karma】- The correct viewpoint for all Buddhists

【 Attaining certain knowledge of the definiteness, or non-deceptiveness, of karma and its effects is called the correct viewpoint for all Buddhists and is praised as the foundation of all virtue.

Remember this sentence, remember this sentence! This principal is the foundation to the entire Buddhism. If you are certain of this principle of karma and its effects, then there is not even a little deceptiveness, in other words, you are clearly cognizant of this, without any ambiguity, and reaching certainty. What would this mean? This is the correct viewpoint for all Buddhists. When we say the correct view, the correct view, what is it? It is this. This is the real correct view. There is no exception to this in the world. All things are certainly produced in this way. Therefore, this is the foundation of all virtue, it is the basis. Therefore, there are now all sorts of what we think are rights and wrongs; these are all results from not having the correct view, not having this understanding.


50B 13’22” Vol 7 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P60 L7
English Lamrim Vol 1 P211

日常师父法语📡50B 13’22” 手抄稿第7册P60 L7

业果 : 真正佛弟子的正见




【 The General Characteristic of Karma 业果】Why did he scold you? 他为什么骂你?


【 The General Characteristic of Karma 业果】 there is no confusion for the suffering within happiness 苦乐果一点也不会乱