【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】offering of practice 正行供养

【Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels】- offering of practice

What is then offering of practice?  That is your cultivation.  Within the ten great vows [of Samantabhadra], the third one is to widely cultivate offering, it is just like this, offerings with external materials. Then for the services with body and speech, the best one is to practice in accordance to the sublime teachings and make this an offering.  This is the offering of practice.  It is as described below.  

for at least as fast as it takes to milk a cow [ten to fifteen minutes]】 


This says for the offering of practice, even if it is for a very short while.  To milk a cow, that only takes a short time.  Milking a cow is something you do every day, for a very short while.  What do you cultivate during a time [as short as this]?  

striving for all the followings:】 

You strive to cultivate, to cultivate. 

recollecting the four immeasurables, the fourfold  condensation of the teaching [(1) all composite  phenomena are impermanent, (2) all contaminated things are miserable, (3) all phenomena are selfless, and (4)  nirvana is bliss and peace], the three refuges, and the perfections; admiring profound emptiness and fixing on it without conceptualization;】  

An understanding of emptiness, stay focus on this.  

disciplining your mind through the vows of ethical  discipline; and meditating on and striving for the factors  of enlightenment, the perfections and the four ways to gather disciples.

These, regarding the meanings of these, these will be explained one by one in later sections.


48A 4’41” Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P252 LL4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P199

日常师父法语📡48A 4’41” 手抄稿第6册P252 LL4

皈依 : 正行供养











【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】 Six Attitudes of Offering 供养三宝的意乐1


【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】do this (offering) with a contented, happy mind 以真善欢喜修供养