【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】do this (offering) with a contented, happy mind 以真善欢喜修供养

【Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels】- do this (offering) with a contented, happy mind

That is the attitude. Then at this time, you will be able to amass vast merits. We now would say that to amass vast merits seem difficult! Here it does not cost you a penny. You just have to do this.

Strive constantly to do this with a contented, happy mind.

There is such great benefit and it is so simply convenient! Thus commonly, we should strive to practice this with a mind that is genuine, virtuous and happy. We start [our journey], right now. We can certainly do this. We will be able to do it in this life. We will be able to quickly accomplish this.

As it says in the Cloud of Jewels Sutra and the Array of the Three Pledges (Tri-samayavyuha),340 you can also give unowned flowers, fruit, trees, jewels, and the like. .

Well then, the sutra tells us also that for unowned things, such as the wildflowers that we see, or they can be flowers, fruits or jewels…etc, you can offer them but you cannot offer ones owned by others.


48A 03’36” Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P251 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P199

日常师父法语📡48A 03’36” 手抄稿第6册P251 LL2

皈依 : 以真善欢喜修供养







【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】offering of practice 正行供养


【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】Make offerings with delight and conviction 以欢喜胜解心普供养