BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】Those with visions can see the blind ones 明眼人看得见瞎子

【Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels】- Those with visions can see the blind ones

Therefore, in the 《止观》it tells us this clearly, the 《大乘止观》also tells us this, the scriptures also speak of the same thing: for those who are blind, though they cannot see others, but others with visions can see the blind ones. Though we cannot see the Buddha, but the Buddha can see us. As soon as your thoughts arise, He sees it. Even ghosts and deities can see it. Once we understand this point then naturally when you do this, ah, you will be filled with utmost sincerity. If you can do this, then slowly, slowly, from having done this, and continually, continually practice, with practice your ability is increased. Our problem is now that, “Ah, I cannot do it!” If you cannot then you will forever stop there, forever stop there. As a result, you will be stopped and if you just stop and do not fall back from this point, it will not be as bad. However, the defilements of the mundane world will come to you in torrents! This is what you should understand.


47B 20’00” Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P238 L9
English Lamrim Vol 1 P198

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47B 20’00” Vol 6 of Lamrim Commentary P238 L9 Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse

日常师父法语📡47B 20’00”手抄稿第6册P238 L9

皈依 : 明眼人看得见瞎子
