【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】the feeling of seeing Buddha’s image (II) 见到佛像的心情(II)
【Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels】-the feeling of seeing Buddha’s image (II)
As we enter the main shrine, the feeling will immediate arise, “yes, with what I see now, it is not Buddha, it is an image of Buddha. Why do I see Buddha’s image? It is produced through my karma. It is the fruit produced by my afflictions and karma.” The moment you see that, your mind will develop a matchless shame and embarrassment. The flip side of shame and embarrassment is that respect is then generated. Therefore, we now will often say we need to respect and cannot, what is the reason? It is because you do not even fundamentally have this concept in mind. Or even if you do have it, you have not fixed your attention on them to reflect properly. If with this concept, you truly understand it and have reflected upon it accordingly, if you can often do this, then wherever you go… Perhaps normally, even though we say that “Vairocana [Buddha] is everywhere”, we cannot develop that feeling. This is because truly as an ordinary being, we are burdened with heavy afflictions. However, when we enter the main shrine, its solemn and dignified ambiance should be able to rouse your awareness. You will then be able to feel it.
46B 28’07” Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P206 L2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P194
日常师父法语📡46B 28’07”手抄稿第6册P206 L2
皈依 : 见到佛像的心情(II)