【 Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels 皈依 】The feeling of seeing Buddha’s image (I) 见到佛像的心情(I)
【Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels】- The feeling of seeing Buddha’s image (I)
When we enter the main shrine, how do you feel? You will immediately feel that this is where Buddha is. If with this point, we have an understanding, then at that time you will feel this immediately as you enter: Ah! I am in front of Buddha! I am in front of Buddha! do not overlook this, do not overlook this! From the beginning of our treatise, it tells us a few things. It says that when we cultivate the teachings, we should “eliminate the three faults of the vessel and rely on the six ideas.” What is the first idea within the six ideas? We are struck with this sickness. What sickness? A sickness of ignorance. Looking at it from a coarse perspective, it would be attachment, hostility and ignorance. It is because of this that we create karma and continue the pain of rebirth. Who now saves us? Buddha. Buddha is everywhere. Well then why cannot we see? That is because of our karmic obstacle.
46B 26’46” Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P205 L8
English Lamrim Vol 1 P194
日常师父法语📡46B 26’46” 手抄稿第6册P205 L8
皈依 : 见到佛像的心情(I)