【Mindfulness of Death 念死无常】This may frighten you, yet, for the time being, you cannot stop it. 被无明所被动
【Mindfulness of Death】- This may frighten you, yet, for the time being, you cannot stop it.
For instance, let’s take this place as an example. Say, you are not allowed to live here anymore. You have to leave. You will feel that your future is full of uncertainty if you leave this place. You do not know where to go! At that time, alas, you will be extremely regretful. Another way is to say that this place will have a great disaster in the future or perhaps this place will become a slum district. Now, a very good house has been built in that place. You are not allowed to live here but to move to that place. Oh, everyone will scramble to that place. No one thing in this mundane world is an exception. But this kind of thing is passive, and as for dharma, we understand everything is Karma. With karma, if you understand it, you can say that you can completely initiate it (you can completely drive the process). Before you understand, you would feel that you are passive (you are being driven in the process). Actually who takes the initiative (who drives the process)? Ignorance takes the initiative which makes you passive and can only react to it. Therefore, when we truly cultivate, we are cultivating this.
38A 28’51 & 38B 00’03” Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P186 L6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P148
日常师父法语📡38A 28’51” & 38B 00’03”手抄稿第5册P186 L6
念死无常 : 被无明所被动