【 Reflecting on your Future Life 三恶趣苦】There are five good qualities to suffering 苦有五德

【Reflecting on your Future Life】- There are five good qualities to suffering

And also:
Furthermore, the good qualities of suffering are that you
Dispel arrogance with your disenchantment,
Develop compassion for the beings of cyclic existence,
Carefully avoid sin, and delight in virtue.

Normally we say “there are five good qualities to suffering.” Suffering has some particularly important benefits, namely the five good qualities. The first one is that it can help you develop “disenchantment” which is the foremost important thing in cultivation. Then, it can “dispel arrogance.” The first great obstacle to practice is arrogance. Though you want to develop disenchantment, but if the mind of arrogance persists, “the water of teaching cannot stay atop the great mountain of pride.” Through understanding suffering, one can eliminate that. This is from the point of view of benefiting the self. Furthermore, in benefitting others, it will also come from [knowing] the suffering for oneself and beginning to consider others in one’s own place. Therefore, you “develop compassion for the beings of cyclic existence.” I would commiserate those who are like me, drifting in cyclic existence. This is the third one. Therefore, due to this understanding, you will formally begin to eliminate sins, purify obscurations and would also create virtues, accumulate the collections [of merits and wisdom]. Thus, “carefully avoid sin, and delight in virtue.” All these benefits come from [knowing] suffering. Therefore, when Buddha appeared in this world, he said, “This is suffering! You should know.” Oh, you should understand this suffering and you must begin by knowing the sufferings.


41A 23’22” Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P14 L6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P162

日常师父法语📡41A 23’22”手抄稿第6册P14 L6

三恶趣苦 : 苦有五德




【 Reflecting on your Future Life 三恶趣苦】contemplate the sufferings of the miserable realms 思惟恶趣苦


【 Reflecting on your Future Life 三恶趣苦】without suffering there is no determination to be free 无苦无出离