【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】What is the actual entrance to the Mahayana? 怎么才算入大乘门?
【THE THREE TYPES OF PERSONS】- What is the actual entrance to the Mahayana?
【 b) Why one guides students through such stages
Why one guides students through such stages is explained in terms of the actual reason and the purpose. 】
Thus, next the author tells us the reason why he guides us with such stages for the 3 types of persons. The first part is “the actual reason,” the second is “the purpose.” First, he explains the reason, and the second is to clarify the benefits of doing so. And what is the effect? The first part.
i) The actual reason
The entrance to the Mahayana is solely the spirit of supreme enlightenment.
What is the actual entrance to the Mahayana? It is to develop the most laudable spirit of ultimate enlightenment. We have to properly recognize this, it is very important, and extremely crucial! In other words, what is the actual practice of the root of Mahayana Buddha Dharma? It is the aspiration of the spirit of ultimate enlightenment. Whenever you have generated this aspiration and cultivated the deeds, both are the true collections for perfect Buddhahood. Otherwise, if this aspiration is missing, no matter how many good deeds you have done, well, you are still circling “outside the doorway”.
34A 04’08”Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P39 L8
English Lamrim Vol 1 P133
日常师父法语📡34A 04’08”手抄稿第5册P39 L8
道次引导 : 怎么才算入大乘门?
【第二如是次第引导之因相分二,① 正明因相, ② 所为义。 今初】