【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】The great capacity practitioner that considers others in one’s own place 推己及人的上士夫


【THE THREE TYPES OF PERSONS】- The great capacity practitioner that considers others in one’s own place 

Humans and deities, of course, are in cyclic existence. No one wants to be in a hell realm, no one wants to become an animal. Everyone wants enjoyment, thus enjoyment can be found in human and deity (realms). These are all included in the small capacity (teaching). If you abide by small capacity practice, you will be reborn in human or deity realms. However, human and deity realms are still not perfect. After cycling through - plight of three lifetimes, you fell (into miserable realms) again, alas! One still needs to get out of it. Those who escape individually are sravakas and pratyekabuddhas – shared medium capacity. Even these practitioners who escaped from cyclic existence, “I claim that I want to be a worldly good person, and it is to care for others and help others.” Now as a Buddhist, one achieves personal liberation and forsakes others, what is this? For instance, those worldly nice people who always help others – above him are parents, spouses, children, relatives, and friends. Yet, now as a Buddhist, you care for no one but yourself and your own study. Well, no, no, you need to consider others in one’s own place. This is a great capacity practitioner. So these concepts are all included here.


33A 25’37”Vol 5 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P16 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P131

日常师父法语📡33A 25’37”手抄稿第5册P16 L3

道次引导 : 推己及人的上士夫



【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】 I want to cultivate, cultivating myself 我要修行,修我自己


【The Three Types of Persons 道次引导】wish to eradicate all living beings’ suffering 要尽除法界有情的苦