【Human Life of Leisure and Opportunity 暇满】 Once the morning bell rings, immediately jump out of bed 早晨铃一响,床上跳起来
【Human Life of Leisure and Opportunity】- Once the morning bell rings, immediately jump out of bed
So this reminds me, when I first started, when I was first ordained, my teacher told me, when he hears the bell in the morning, “pong”, he jumps up from the bed. Ah! I feel that this gives me unending benefits;
there is unending benefits to me. You ask me, is it comfortable to get up and sit? Of course it’s not comfortable! But I know...hah! This word, “comfortable,” is a habit of [craving] softness and warmth from the beginningless time. If you go along with it then you are destined to cycle through life and death forever. If we do not understand this and we talk about Buddha Dharma, what kind of Buddha Dharma are we talking about! Yes, it’s very good for planting some seeds. Therefore, we shouldn’t just go and accuse others. There are many great Bodhisattvas who are planting seeds for others, and we should praise them again and again. However if you consider yourself as a practitioner, you should know clearly of this! You should understand it very clearly. Yes! If you stand up and ah-yo, your head is dizzy and then you are this way...that’s good! I shall apply the antidote to my afflictions now ! Just like that! Real efforts begin from this.
32A 14’27” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P265 L6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P127
日常师父法语📡32A 14’27”手抄稿第4册P265 L6
暇满 : 早晨铃一响,床上跳起来