【Human Life of Leisure and Opportunity 暇满】 - five aspects of opportunity that pertain to others – having faith in the source 五他圆满 —— 随教转


【Human Life of Leisure and Opportunity】-  - five aspects of opportunity that pertain to others – having faith in the source

With approximation, with the point on approximation, the qualifying criterion is flawless instructions from lineage teachers. Without this, you can’t even talk about it, you can’t even talk about it (approximation)! This point I think we all have experience. Everyone says, “Ah-ya! It’s great to have listened to that teaching.” But when we ask you to practice, you just feel like you can’t apply. What’s the reason for that? This is what’s missing. Once you truly have “the teaching abides and there are those who follow,” or even “approximation” of that, then once you have heard it of course your mind [would think], “Ah! I understand, I understand this. Ah! I can walk up [this path]” Once you have this, then what’s left is as long as you willing, you can walk forward.


30B 06’49” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P205 L4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P120

日常师父法语📡30B 06’49”手抄稿第4册P205 L4

暇满 : 五他圆满 —— 随教转



【Human Life of Leisure and Opportunity 暇满】 Contemplating the great importance of leisure and opportunity 思惟暇满利大


【Human Life of Leisure and Opportunity 暇满】The five aspects of opportunity that pertain to others – the teaching remain 五他圆满 —— 教住