【Human Life of Leisure and Opportunity 暇满】The five aspects of opportunity that pertain to others – the teaching remain 五他圆满 —— 教住
【Human Life of Leisure and Opportunity】- The five aspects of opportunity that pertain to others – the teaching remain
The “teaching remains” does not mean, ah, now the sutras and commentaries remain here. Oh! No. What is it? It is when a follower can achieve the teachings by knowing the ultimate sublime teachings. It is only when the “ultimate sublime teaching” remains in the world. Therefore it is only here during the time of sublime teachings. When you get to the time of semblance teachings, there is some resemblance [to the teachings], but when you get to the time of degenerate teachings, there is even less. This is what it is pointing to. It is not talking about sutras and commentaries. So since it is not just our sutras and commentaries [remaining], therefore it’s not like we should say, ah! We understand now. Then you can give teachings. No! You must be able to be concordant to the teaching and to attain the realization yourself.
30B 03’03” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P202 LL1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P120
日常师父法语📡30B 03’03”手抄稿第4册P202 LL1
暇满 : 五他圆满 —— 教住