【 The Meditation Session - Preparation 修持轨理-加行】Dedication has a very special effect. 回向有非常特殊的功效


【The Meditation Session - Preparation】- Dedication has a very special effect.

【Cultivating delight in the virtue that you have done--which is part of rejoicing--will also increase your virtue. 】

This was mentioned earlier; self-rejoicing is also encouraged and can be applied toward others too.

【You may have few virtues as a result of accumulation, purification, and increase, but you will expand them enormously through dedication. 】

Dedication has a very special effect. Often for us, like what has mentioned above, regardless of whether we are purifying obscurations, accumulating the collections, or increasing the virtuous roots, usually the virtue is minor. If you can dedicate to continuously multiply the petty actions, [the virtue] can even be increased immeasurably. Thus, this point is very crucial! However, up to now, this “dedication” is easy to say but not so easy to practice by us now, not too easy. The reason for it being difficult is that we do not know how - lack the knowledge for how to dedicate.

We cannot say that we do not know! At the end of every session, saying, “Oops, forgot to dedicate.” Everybody stands up and recites the four or eight verses. You can’t say that you don’t know [about dedication]. However, does the mental stream conform to the verse? [You] do not know how to conform to it. In this regard, [the understanding of dedication] is still not quite there yet.


23B 20’33” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P246 L4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P98

日常师父法语📡23B 20’33”手抄稿第3册P246 L4

修持轨理-加行 : 回向有非常特殊的功效





我们不能说不晓得哦!每次完了以后说:“哦,回向忘记掉了。”大家站起来念它四句跟八句。你不能说他不晓得呀,但是真的身心相续和合吗?不晓得怎么去和合法,就这 (p247) 一点来说,还没有。


【 The Meditation Session - Preparation 修持轨理-加行】the Ten Great Aspirations or Seven Branches of Worshi p comprises three categories 十大愿王包含三项


【 The Meditation Session - Preparation 修持轨理-加行】Confession is to clear away the obscurations. 悔者是除违缘,净治罪障。