【 The Meditation Session - Preparation 修持轨理-加行】slowly recite them as indicated without distraction 意不余散,具如文中所说而行
【The Meditation Session - Preparation】- slowly recite them as indicated without distraction
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23B 17’47” Vol 3 of Lamrim Commentary P244 LL4
【While understanding the meaning of the words of these verses in this way, slowly recite them as indicated without distraction. Once you do this, you will have an immeasurable mass of merit. 】
To understand it as described to us above, thus the “text” and “meaning” are thoroughly understood. What does “meaning” refer to? That is the content of it. If you truly understand the content and practice it with strong aspiration, that is when your mental continuum is concordant with the teachings. This is truly important. In the case where your mental stream conforms to what you are mindful of, you understand the text and the conformity arises within, then, at that time, there will be immeasurable good qualities, inconceivable merits, incredibly excellent! So now with the aspiration to be reborn in the Pure Land, why would you not end up there, how can it be possible! The reason is right here.
23B 17’47” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P244 LL4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P98
日常师父法语📡23B 17’47”手抄稿第3册P244 LL4
修持轨理-加行 : 意不余散,具如文中所说而行
就像我们上面所说的这么了解,了解了以后,这样的“文”,这样的“义”,彻底了解了。这个“义”是什么意思啊?就是,喏,这个内涵说些什么。这个内涵你如果真正了解了,能够猛利欲乐去做的话,那个就是你相续跟它和合的时候,这个是真正重要的。假(p245) 定你那个相续身心跟这个你所念的和合,你所念的这个文字了解,那个时候心里面跟它相应的话,是无量无边的功德,无量无边的功德,不得了的功德!所以现在说要求个往生,哪有去不了的事情,哪有去不了的事情!道理就在这个上头。