【 The Meditation Session - Preparation 修持轨理-加行】Visualize that seated in the space before you are the gurus of the vast and profound lineages 于前虚空明现观想,广大行派,及深见派传承诸师
【The Meditation Session - Preparation】- Visualize that seated in the space before you are the gurus of the vast and profound lineages
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22B 20’24” Vol 3 of Lamrim Commentary P209 L1
What do we take refuge in and rely on now? Ignorant things – we conform to ignorance. Usually, [we are] dull-witted and sleepy, we take refuge in these; we go for refuge in and rely on eating food; we go for refuge in and rely on chatting; we do all of this. When encountering a bit of displeasure, everyone gets into arguments, just like that. When you truthfully take refuge, none of this would be needed, just mindfully hold on to the Three Jewels. If you are practicing the recitation of Buddha’s name, you really will be so focused; there won’t be any extra time to waste. This is truly the time to be in accordance physically and mentally. Therefore, whether it is going for refuge or generating the aspiration for the spirit of enlightenment, [we should] commit to achieve it. This is the principle [of applying the teaching]. Now, what should you do to take refuge? The text continues:
【 (4) Imagine that seated in the space before you are the gurus of the vast and profound lineages, 】
This is teaching us to visualize the space in front of us – what should be visualized? The “manifestation” that clearly appears [before you]. Who is manifested? The lineage, which is divided into two parts, one is the “vast deeds” lineage and the other is the “profound view.” One represents methods and compassion and the other represents wisdom. The first one was passed down from Maitreya Bodhisattva to Asanga Bodhisattva and on down. The latter was passed from Manjusri Bodhisattva to Nagarjuna Bodhisattva and on down. It began with the Buddha who passed to these two Bodhisattvas [Maitreya and Manjusri], then with every transmission thereafter, generation after generation without any gap, all the way to your teacher, just like that. Then your teacher transmits the teachings to your mental-continuum.
SOUR CE 来源 :
22B 20’24” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P209 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P94
日常师父法语📡22B 20’24”手抄稿第3册P209 L1
修持轨理-加行 : 于前虚空明现观想,广大行派,及深见派传承诸师