【 The Meditation Session - Preparation 修持轨理-加行】Sitting meditation 打坐
【The Meditation Session - Preparation】- Sitting meditation
Back then, when my teacher began his teaching, regardless of whether it was the full lotus position or not, if you could sit like that is good, otherwise stretch both legs! When I heard it, others had told me to sit seriously, why is he telling me this? Well, later I realized that to receive the true benefit, this is the way to go. So there was a period of time I went to him specifically for this kind of sitting, and he even said, “Alright, you may lie down.” Ah, amazing! As long as you follow his instructions, whatever that is, the benefits will arise. However, if you practice according to normal meditation, the seated position is preferred, this is absolutely true. Other taming remedies we will not go into detail now, just making you aware of the concept. Practice according to our [own individual] conditions, so you can practice prostrations or circumambulations, or even lying down to sleep is permissible. Later, it will teach us how to practice while sleeping, how to practice while eating. Of course, these are “the practices other than the actual meditation.” The actual session mainly refers to sitting meditation.
22B 17’48” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P207 LL5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P94
日常师父法语📡22B 17’48”手抄稿第3册P207 LL5
修持轨理-加行 : 打坐
所以当年我的老师刚开始的时候:不要管那双跏不双跏,你能坐固然好,不能坐,两脚伸开!当时我听了: 别人告诉我这么认真坐,他怎么告诉我这样的?欸,后来真正的好处就是这样,所以有一段时候专门跟他去坐的时候,他乃至于说:“好,你睡下来。”欸,妙啊!你照着他办法去做,怎么做就怎么得到好处。但是正规地来修的话,最好是打坐,那是千真万确的。其他的,就是这种情况下怎么调治你的,在这里现在我们暂时不谈,只是告诉我们的这个理路。就随自己的相应的为宜,所以说你拜也可以,是行也可以,乃至于睡也可以。后面就告诉我们,睡觉的时候该怎么用功,吃饭的时候该怎么用功。当然这个这是“修理余”,正修的时候主要的是打坐。