【A summary of the meaning of the previous five parts 摄彼等义】 The actual hard part is not having the proper perception 真正难在没有正知见


【A summary of the meaning of the previous five parts 】- The actual hard part is not having the proper perception

Take us for example. There are many worldly good things and who does not want them? Everyone yearns for them. If one was stopped to do so, of course, the willingness is not there. If there was a good food in front of you and you were told to sit there and eat it very slowly, you cannot endure it! Why is it that there is good food and you are not allowed to take it? In fact, to tell us to just sit there [in front of the food], we can’t. It is easier to stand up and walk around. I believe we all have this experience, right? Why? That is because, in your mind, you properly understand the benefits of it, and then generate the motivation within. By that time, engaging in it becomes very easy. Buddha Dharma is the same. Now with the contamination in our mind, once you have actually recognized it, you will know that for all of the actual benefits we are seeking, what do they rely on? Rely on Dharma wealth - the wealth of Buddha Dharma. By then, stopping you from doing it is impossible. When asking you to cultivate, it becomes easy. I believe we all can recognize this.
Finally, [I] will use a very practical example. We all sit here now and, if all of a sudden there were to be an earthquake, everyone would dash out the door. If you were told to sit here, it is impossible! This would require some training! If you are able to chant Buddha’s name onepointedly, then you may still be able to sit still. Otherwise, you would certainly dash out. Isn’t dashing out much easier than sitting here! So the reason we can’t is because [we] have not properly recognized the true nature of reality. So the actual hard part is still the proper perception.


22B 08’06”Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P201 L9
English Lamrim Vol 1 P92

日常师父法语📡22B 08’06”手抄稿第3册P201 L9

摄彼等义 : 真正难在没有正知见



【 The Meditation Session - Preparation 修持轨理-加行】refuting misconceptions 破除此中邪妄分别


【A summary of the meaning of the previous five parts 摄彼等义】Taking the path is comparatively less effort? Or not taking the path is comparatively less effort? 走比较省力?还是不走比较省力?