【 Benefits of relying on the teacher 亲近胜利】【As the Sutra of Ksitigarbha says: ...《地藏经》云:“彼摄受者,应经无量俱胝劫中,流转恶趣所有诸业,然于现法因疾疫等,或飢馑等,损恼身心而能消除,下至呵责,或唯梦中亦能清净。】
【Benefits of relying on the teacher】- 【As the Sutra of Ksitigarbha says:
It cites from the Sutra of Ksitigarbha:
Those whom the teachers care for will purify the karma that would otherwise cause them to wander through the miserable realms for ten million limitless eons. They purify this karma with harm to their bodies and minds in this lifetime. This harm includes sickness such as an infectious disease with fever and calamities such as famine. They may purify their karma by merely undergoing something as little as a dream or a scolding. 】
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21A 13’44” Vol 3 of Lamrim Commentary P151 LL1
Due to your serving of and offering to a virtuous teacher. Those negative karmic effects that we are in the midst of now, that is, our minor illnesses and suffering or even some hunger – in other words, minor physical and mental discomfort – exhaust [the negative karma]!
So in the previous sections, we were repeatedly told that when we rely on the virtuous teacher, we should “take it as a privilege, not a burden!” We shouldn’t ever rely with the attitude of feeling that this is not good, this is inferior, the living condition is uncomfortable, the food is not enjoyable, it is either too hot or too cold, which is unacceptable. All of these are the signs of our deep corruption. This is a great detriment to us! Other than this, it also includes getting a scolding, when a virtuous teacher scolds us [we can’t take it], just like this.
As for scolding, I suggest you read the biographies of great Masters of the past. All of these are illustrated again and again. Actually, aside from scolding, there are many other sufferings – physical and mental. These are to our greatest advantage, and our greatest privilege. “They may purify their karma by merely undergoing something as little as a dream.
21A 13’44” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P151 LL1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P88
日常师父法语📡21A 13’44” 手抄稿第3册P151 LL1
亲近胜利 : 【《地藏经》云:“彼摄受者,应经无量俱胝劫中,流转恶趣所有诸业,然于现法因疾疫等,或飢馑等,损恼身心而能消除,下至呵责,或唯梦中亦能清净。】