【 Benefits of relying on the teacher 亲近胜利】Situation in the three miserable realms 三恶道的情况


【Benefits of relying on the teacher】- Situation in the three miserable realms

This is a good opportunity for contemplation. Otherwise, wait until the later discussion of the three miserable realms, and come back to review this section. By then, the understanding will arise.

At the same time, you might want to try this out: when it is very hot, stay away from using a fan or air conditioning. In fact, fans and air conditioning are modern inventions! You were told to bask in the sun and couldn’t tolerate it, when it is cold, you were told to wear thin clothes, and you might feel terrible. To compare this feeling with hell, wow! It is like heaven, definitely like being in the heaven. Yet we feel terrible, well, any speck [of discomfort] becomes unbearable, just like that. When we eat a little less, it is unbearable. For hungry ghosts, they go without food for many eons, just like that! Out of food for eons! Now, you are able to serve the virtuous teacher to eliminate those tremendous sufferings though minor discomfort. In other words, this investment gives great returns!


21A 08’55”  Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P149 Ll6
English Lamrim Vol 1 P88

日常师父法语📡21A 08’55” 手抄稿第3册P149 LL6

亲近胜利 : 三恶道的情况




【 Benefits of relying on the teacher 亲近胜利】【As the Sutra of Ksitigarbha says: ...《地藏经》云:“彼摄受者,应经无量俱胝劫中,流转恶趣所有诸业,然于现法因疾疫等,或飢馑等,损恼身心而能消除,下至呵责,或唯梦中亦能清净。】


【 Benefits of relying on the teacher 亲近胜利】 The method that reaps the most benefits 最占便宜的方法