【Remembering the Teacher’s Kindness 念恩 】Transform affliction to merits 转烦恼为功德
【Remembering the Teacher’s Kindness】- Transform affliction to merits
In our current practice, we think that it is difficult now. If you have acquired the proper recognition, it is not difficult; instead, it will actually be the easiest. This is because everything we engage in, regardless of whether it is tangible or intangible, with eyes open or shut, asleep or awake, the appearing object is called phenomenon. The phenomenon is nothing other than this [reliance]. Before you have this understanding, you are continuously submerged in ignorance, fostering contamination. Upon understanding, you properly abide by it to increase merits. This reliance is all based on the teachings! Because you are able [to practice in this manner], contemplate: "Ah that is right! My virtuous teacher taught me everything…we are now in the midst of afflictions; we can only rely on the virtuous teacher to transform affliction to merits, and to convert flaws into merits. Ah! The beauty is beyond description, this is too wonderful to describe!"
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19B 12’00” Vol 3 of Lamrim Commentary P95 L5
19B 12’00” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P95 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P83
日常师父法语📡19B 12’00” 手抄稿第3册P95 L5
念恩 : 转烦恼为功德