【Cultivation of Faith 修信 】Eliminate the afflictions that you still have 烦恼未断悉能断除


【Cultivation of Faith】- Eliminate the afflictions that you still have

eliminate the afflictions that you still have

Thus, for the afflictions that remain, you can "eliminate the afflictions that you still have" – they can be removed completely. Wow! This benefit is incredibly great! Therefore,

Then you will obtain pleasure and joy. With respect to virtue act in accord with the gurus' words, but do not act in accord with the gurus' words with respect to nonvirtue. 】

For the above idea, if you understand it, then that is great! Wow, we are filled with incredible "pleasure and joy"! When your heart is filled with incredible pleasure, you cannot help but feel "joy" - waving your hands and dancing with joy, just like that! [We would be] unable to control [our] matchless and genuine joy. Our displeasure now is due to our minds are filled with afflictions and do not accord with the teachings. Since we accord with afflictions, thus even with the slightest … what was meant to be something virtuous, you perceive it as non-virtuous; and then it would be harmful. Therefore, we usually accord with non-virtue! With this understanding, he will abide by virtue instead of the non-virtue. Now it is because we do not understand, that we accord with non-virtue. We all accord with non-virtuous actions. Exactly what are these non-virtuous actions? They are our views, namely our ignorance; yet we feel quite right about it, "Well! This guy is acting strangely for no reason, why should I pay him respect?" Sigh, Amitabha Buddha, I am the one who wants to learn from Buddha! If I do not respect him, then who else would I respect?


19A 10’16” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P79 L8
English Lamrim Vol 1 P82

日常师父法语📡19A 10’16” 手抄稿第3册P79 L8

修信 : 烦恼未断悉能断除

【烦恼未断悉能断除 。】



上面这一个你能够了解了以后,那好!哎呀,我们“欢喜”得不得了!当你心里欢喜得不得了,你情不自禁地“踊跃”——手舞足蹈,是这样啊!情不自禁地无比地欢喜,真实地欢喜。我们现在所以不得欢喜的话,就是内心当中都是烦恼,跟法不相应。因为跟烦恼相应,所以一点的……本来是很好的好事情,你把它看成坏事,害了,所以我们都随顺不善之法!他现在了解了这个以后,随顺这个善法,不善法是不随顺;现在因为我们不了解,所以我们随顺不善法,我们都是随顺那个不善法。而这个不善法究实说来是什么啊?就是我们的知见,就是我们的无明,我们还觉得很对咧,“欸! 这个家伙莫名其妙,我凭什么要恭敬他?”唉,阿弥陀佛,我要学佛啊!不恭敬他恭敬谁啊?


【Cultivation of Faith 修信 】With respect to virtue act in accord with the gurus' words 于诸善法应随顺行


【Cultivation of Faith 修信 】complete the collections that lead to enlightenment 悉能圆满菩提资粮