【Relying on the Teacher 依师】Designated as a good quality of knowledge 假证德名
【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】-Designated as a good quality of knowledge
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14A 28’20” Vol 2 of Lamrim Commentary P198 L2
So, with the preceding statement of “it is not helpful for them to have done just any practice, and then have the result designated as a good quality of knowledge.” Why does it say, “Designated as a good quality of knowledge”? Because of the random application – he may have some accomplishment, but this accomplishment is not accountable within the entire essence of the Buddha Dharma! Thus, it is referred to as “designated as a good quality of knowledge.” In the example of building a house that we mentioned before, it is the same. Well, you go out to build a house, maybe you see that place piled with steel bars and cement, and you presume this place is for building a house – not necessarily! On the contrary, while the architect sitting in the office is planning to ensure every aspect is covered, this may be more proficient than the former case. Even nothing can be seen from the appearance, but the latter case is progressing in the proper direction for advancement. We have to recognize this sequential order very clearly. So it says here, to “have the result designated as a good quality of knowledge,” which will be very important for our future progress of earnest application, very important.
14A 28’20” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P198 L2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P71
日常师父法语📡14A 28’20” 手抄稿第2册P198 L2
依师 : 假证德名