【Explaining 讲说】Preparation is required prior to listening to the teachings 听闻前行要准备
【Explaining 】- Preparation is required prior to listening to the teachings
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13B 00’56” Vol 2 of Lamrim Commentary P163 L5
Not only is preparation required prior to listening to and explaining the teachings, but also with such preparation we will reap the benefits at once in both listening and explaining. There is more after listening to the teachings – continue to apply accordingly. Therefore, not only will there be immediate benefits, but our minds will also grow. This is why [great practitioners] can mindfully resonate with the teachings. Whereas for us, due to lack of preparation beforehand and not knowing how to be in concordance with the teachings during the session, in the end, we close the text and return to our old self – completely unable to resonate with the teachings. Thus, look! The preparation in listening to the teachings is very important.
13B 00’56” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P163 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P66
日常师父法语📡13B 00’56” 手抄稿第2册PP163 L5
讲说 :听闻前行要准备
那么不但听之前,讲的之前,要有这样的准备,有了这样的准备,那么你听的时候,讲的时候, 马上受用。而且听完以后它还有,听完了以后还有继续地应该这样的做法。所以,当时固然受用,完了以后啊,继续在身心上面不断地增长,这是为什么他们能够如法如理地身心就跟佛法相应。而我们呢,就因为事前既没有准备,中间也不晓得怎么样跟法相应。听完了以后书本一合,所以依旧如此这般,依然故我,跟法始终没办法相应。所以看!真正听闻正法之前这么重要。