【Explaining 讲说】Reverse the wrongdoing to purify it 转染成净


【Explaining 】- Reverse the wrongdoing to purify it

What are our minds like most of the time? Is there clarity? Is there strength? If not, then there is no concordance! This is due to our latent tendencies from beginningless time. Sometimes we do have mental strength, but it is not concordant with the teachings. Usually, the most fierce time is when we are angry, that is the force within! Actually, this will lead us to hell. Hence, we have to reverse it. Moreover, our desire is also powerful; this is why we refer to applying Buddha Dharma as transformation. That is, to reverse the wrongdoing to purify it. You still utilize the same object, like driving a car, but the original direction is turned around. The first direction is wrong; it is headed toward the miserable realms or still within cyclic existence. Once turned around, the direction will be the fortunate realms and then liberation, this is how it works! 


13B 04’50” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P165 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P66

日常师父法语📡13B 04’50”手抄稿第2册P165 L3

讲说 :转染成净



【Explaining 讲说】Desire and attachment & aspiration for virtue 贪染心与善法欲


【Explaining 讲说】Preparation is required prior to listening to the teachings 听闻前行要准备