【Listening 听闻】Is meditation very difficult or very easy ? 修行很难还是很容易?
【LISTENING】– Is meditation very difficult or very easy ?
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11A 08’48” Vol 2 of Lamrim Commentary P81 L1
So now everyone thinks that applying the teachings is really difficult! Alas, with my current understanding, nothing in this world is easier than applying the teachings. Well, once everyone hears this, you will think, how can it be? I will tell you the logic right now. If you want to learn how to drive, now it’s easy and available everywhere. But, sorry, if you don’t have a car, can you learn? If you have a car but no road, can you drive? With a road but no gasoline, can you drive? With gasoline but no one to teach you, can you drive? You are still relying on these conditions! This is even the case for riding a bike, right? [This applies] to everything we do! As for meditation, well, it’s your personal business and all you have to ... [unless you] have brain damage then [meditation] is not possible! With a damaged brain, it is difficult to accomplish anything. As long as your brain functions properly, every thought that arises would be this [i.e meditation], isn’t it right? What else is easier than that? [Applying the teachings] does not need any pre-requisite, just sitting here, the teachings can be applied. When you engage in other tasks, after busying yourself with those during the day, resting at night is of course necessary! Well, for practice of the teachings, you can do so even while you are sleeping. With other tasks, you will still need to take a break for meals! However, with the teachings, you can still apply it during meals. So once you truly understand, all twenty-four hours can be used to meditate on the teachings. Every moment of the twenty-four hours can be spent purifying obstacles and accumulating merits. Thus, meditating on the teachings is just this easy!
Why is it that [we] are unable to have [the meditation as described above] ? It is due to the lack of correct view! The lack of joyous perseverance! So what should we do now? First, destroy the ego, rely on virtuous teachers, listen to the teachings, and contemplate accordingly. For these, it does not mean to divide into these four different steps! Whichever step you are at, you are mindfully meditating.
11A 08’48” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P81 L1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P59
日常师父法语📡11A 08’48” 手抄稿第2册P81 L1
听闻 : 修行很难还是很容易?