BW Monastery 吉祥宝聚寺

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【业果 The Varieties of Karma】『广利一切有情』的第一步 The first step to “vastly benefit all living beings”   


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58B 14'18" ~ 14'56" 手抄稿第八册P62 L5 日常师父法语



日常师父法语📡58B 14'18" ~ 14'56" 手抄稿第八册P62 L5

58B 14'18" ~ 14'56"Vol 8 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P62 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P239

【The Varieties of Karma】- The first step to “vastly benefit all living beings”   

So, because his compassion is vast, he wishes to vastly benefit all living beings. To vastly benefit all living beings, you will certainly have to know how to help others. This is how it is. Therefore, you need to know all kinds of skillful means and you need [to develop] "great aspiration not to abandon any living being." With these, and you cultivate [base on these], then that is correct! Hence now, this treatise is guiding us down this path. Though we cannot accomplish this right away,  we are fortunate enough to have virtuous karma from our past lives to cause us to come here. What can we do now? We should in all occasions be able to think for others. This point is particularly important. This point is particularly important.