【Listening 听闻 】For the matters that benefit us, we strive hard to attain it. The ones that cause harm to us, we cast them aside. 对我们有害的去掉,有好的努力去做
【LISTENING】For the matters that benefit us, we strive hard to attain it. The ones that cause harm to us, we cast them aside
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“Through hearing, wrongdoing is overcome. Through hearing, what is meaningless is eliminated.Through hearing, nirvana is attained.” Ordinarily, due to our lack of understanding, we busy ourselves at length vigorously. After all the busy effort, we end up engaging in an elaboration of words, continuously cycling in cyclic existence. How meaningless! Buddha Dharma taught us very precisely that you have to recognize the keypoint, and then distinguish what to adopt and what to cast aside. So [we should] cast aside what is detrimental to us and endeavor to do what is beneficial. If you are able to do so and once understood, and with regards to what you should not do– [these are] avoided; you engage in what should be done, and then you can advance [spiritually]. Thus, we can eliminate non-virtuous karma, which actually is one way to accumulate virtuous merits. What does this specifically refer to? It refers to ethical discipline.
9B 01’21 ~ 02'25" Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P19 LL1
English Lamrim Vol 1 P56
日常师父法语📡9B 01’21 ~ 02'25" 手抄稿第2册P19 LL1
听闻 : 对我们有害的去掉,有好的努力去做
“由闻遮诸恶,由闻断无义,由闻得涅槃。” 对普通一般事情因为我们并不了解,所以我们忙得很起劲,忙了半天,结果都是戏论,生死轮回当中辗转不断,这个没有意义。所以佛法里面告诉我们非常正确,你必定要了解这个关键所在,然后应取,取、弃之间,所以对我们有害的去掉,对我们有好的努力去做。因为你能够这样的话,懂得了以后,对于不应该做的事情不做─“遮止”,该做的事情去做,然后你就增长了。这样的话我们才能够断除恶业,断除恶业实际上另外一方面是善业增加。这一点特别指什么?戒而言。