【Relying on the Teacher 依师】Looking at parents’ facial expressions 观父容颜
【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】- Looking at parents’ facial expressions
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17A 16’45”Vol 3 of Lamrim Commentary P12 L5
【Dutiful children do not initiate an action on their own, but instead, looking at their parents’ facial expressions, submit to their will and then do what they say. 】
What would a dutiful child normally do? He would not say I would do it this way or I want to do this. Not like that, he would first observe and understand his father’s wishes, his father’s preferences or dislikes; he would diligently fulfill his father’s aspirations and abide by his father’s guidance to accomplish it. So the primary concept is not to follow our individual ideas, but to strive to rely on a virtuous teacher. This is like the worldly dutiful child. The reference of the worldly is an analogy for us to experience it from the proper frame of mind.
17A 16’45”Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P12 L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 P78
日常师父法语📡17A 16’45”手抄稿第3册P12 L5
依师 : 观父容颜
这个孝子平常怎么?他不会说我要怎么办,我要怎么办。不是的,他一定先观察、了解他父 亲应希望怎么办,什么是他父亲喜好的,什么是他父亲不喜好的,他一心一意努力地去满他父亲所希望的,然后跟随着他父亲的教导而去行。所以它主要的内涵,就是不要听从我们自己的自在,而要努力地跟所依靠的善知识,这世间比喻像孝子。那个世间比喻,就是用这一个比喻,让我们体会到我们应有的心情。