【Relying on the Teacher 依师】To see only the good qualities of one who instructs you in the teachings and not as faults 应见师德,不见过失
【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】- To see only the good qualities of one who instructs you in the teachings and not as faults
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16A 00’40” Vol 2 of Lamrim Commentary P251 LL3
【He also says that if you have all these qualities, the good qualities of one who instructs you in the teachings will appear as good qualities, not as faults. In addition, he says that to such a fully qualified person the good qualities of fellow listeners will appear as good qualities and not as faults. 】
On the other hand, if you don’t have these qualifications, you will not be able to see the teacher’s good qualities and, instead, just see his faults. We may doubt: “Is that so?” Yes! This is exactly what will happen, just like that. Perhaps at least we have already read the Biography of Milarepa, or maybe not. At least, last time we reviewed the stories of ancient Chinese Masters, like the one where three monks went to seek an excellent teacher. They travelled far yet, upon arrival, the teacher shut the door and locked them outside overnight. The following morning, [the teacher] dumped a basin of cold water on them, splash! We might imagine, “What! This great teacher is such a cruel person!” Ah! Maybe you will not fight with him, but you will share this with others by saying, “Ah! So this teacher has this attitude!” and defame him in every possible way. Well! It was not the case, that was [the good quality of] a true excellent teacher!
16A 00’40” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P251 LL3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P75
日常师父法语📡16A 00’40”手抄稿第2册P251 LL3
依师 : 应见师德,不见过失
【若具其三,则于法师所有众德,见为功德不见过失。 犹非止此,即于听众所有功德,亦即于彼补特伽罗,见为功德非为见过失。 】
假定你没有具足这个条件的话,法师的功德你看不见,你看见他的却是过失。 我们或者会怀疑:会吗? 嘿!就是这个样,就是这个样。 也许我们现在已经看过《密勒日巴尊者传》,也许没有看,至少上一次我们讲过中国祖师的公案,中国祖师们的公案--三位同参跑得去参一位善知识,不远千里跑到那地方去,结果他一看,门一关!把他关在门外,晚上了。到了第二天一盆冷水,一泼! 那我们心里想想:“什么! 这个大善知识,这样残酷的人哪!” 啊,那你呀,不跟他打架,至少你到处去宣扬说:“啊,原来这个善知识,就这副德相!”处处地方去破坏他。嘿, 不是,真善知识,真善知识!