【Relying on the Teacher 依师】The defining characteristics of the student 弟子相


【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】- The defining characteristics of the student

What is the required qualification for the student? Here is a quote from this commentary.

[Aryadeva states in his Four Hundred Stanzas (Catuh- sataka):

It is said that one who is nonpartisan, intelligent, and diligent

Is a vessel for listening to the teachings.

The good qualities of the instructor do not appear otherwise

Nor do those of fellow listeners.]

This will be explained later. In fact, this is referring to the three conditions for fully qualified practitioners: they are known as “non-partisan,” “intelligent,” and “diligent.” Once endowed with these qualifications, then the following good qualities will arise.

[Aryadeva says]

This commentary explains the Four Hundred Stanzas:

[that one who is endowed with the three qualities]

The one endowed with these three qualities are considered as “a vessel for listening to the teachings.”

[is suitable to listen to the teachings.]


15B 28’39” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P247 L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P75

日常师父法语📡15B 28’39”手抄稿第2册P247 L3

依师 : 弟子相


【《四百论》曰:“说正住具慧,希求为闻器,不变说者德,亦不转听者。 ”】

这个下面会解释的,下面会解释的。 实际上这个里边啊,说真正具足条件的修学的人,应该具有三个条件,叫做“正住”、“具慧”、“希求”。他有了这个条件啊,才能够产生下面这样的功德。



【“说具三法 】



【Relying on the Teacher 依师】To see only the good qualities of one who instructs you in the teachings and not as faults 应见师德,不见过失


【Relying on the Teacher 依师】 Qualifications of a student 弟子先具条件