【Relying on the Teacher 依师】first, have faith and rely on an excellent teacher 先信赖依靠善知识
【RELYING ON THE TEACHER】- first, have faith and rely on an excellent teacher
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14B 09’21” Vol 2 of Lamrim Commentary P204 LL2
This states clearly that when we are all in the midst of derangement, we will think that those with correct perceptions are wrong and incorrect – this is so true. Look around us now; this is a very common situation, not to mention the Buddha Dharma. For instance, for us as Chinese people, when two friends who rarely see each other meet in the restaurant for a meal, it would certainly turn into “I treat you or you will treat me.” Whereas westerners wouldn’t be like this! Well! When friends meet and say: “Let’s go eat!” After the meal, “How much?” It is three hundred dollars! Both of them would split the cost and each person would pay half of it. For us, it would be: “How can it be like this!” You may disagree with the westerner’s style. On the contrary, the westerner also cannot not understand you – they may feel it is normal to share the cost after a meal and why are you people fighting over the bill, what for? All worldly things are without any exception [different perception from different culture background]; I believe we should be able to understand this!
Why is there a need to bring this up? In the very beginning of our learning, it is not easy to grasp the correct views immediately! Since you don’t have a handle on the correct views, you feel you are unable to learn. If that is the case, you will miss the opportunity to study. Thus, this is why [we] have to first recognize that “I am ill” and become willing to trust and rely [on the teacher or doctor]. This is the requirement for us to enter into the domain of the teachings. So it was repeated again and again in the preceding discussion. This principle is not just within Buddha Dharma, it is the same for all worldly matters. [If you wait for] when you have perfect clarity to apply it, things do not work that way. First, it will be impossible for us to be here today, impossible to last until this day – we may not be able to grow up. You would definitely not say, “What is in the mother’s milk? I have to know clearly before drinking it.” When we grow up, “Why does rice need to be cooked this way? I have to find out before I eat it!” How could this be possible?
14B 09’21” Vol 2 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P204 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 P71
日常师父法语📡14B 09’21”手抄稿第2册P204 LL2
依师 : 先信赖依靠善知识
说明了当我们众人都在无明颠倒当中啊,这个有正确认识的人在我们看起来觉得不对的,觉得不对的,这也是一个事实。那我们现在眼前啊,处处地方都是这样,我们不必说佛法。譬如说:就我们中国人来说,我们中国人两个朋友,大家难得见了面,一起大家吃一个馆子,吃完馆子,一定说:“我请你,你请我。” 外国人可不是啊!喔!大家见了面了,说:“那我们就一起去吃饭吧!” 吃过了,“多少钱啊?” 参佰块钱!两个人,每一个人壹佰伍拾块。要我们看起来:“这是什么话!” 你就看不上眼他,反过来他也看不懂你,觉得大家吃过了各分各的,你们怎么拉拉扯扯的,干什么啊?世间没有一个事情例外的,我想我们应该了解吧!
这为什么要说这个事情呢?就是在我们正式开始学,一下要想把正见把握住,这个很难!那你既然没有把握住正见,你觉得不能学,你就没有机会了。所以这是为什么第一个先要认识说我自己有了病,那然后呢你就肯信赖依靠他,这个才是我们学进去必然的条件。所以前面一再说,这个法则不仅是佛法,世间所有的事情都是如此。等到你样样弄清楚了,要想再做的话,没有一个事情做得通。第一个,我们,我们没有今天,不可能有今天,就长不大。你绝对不可能说:“妈妈的奶是什么?我弄清楚了再吃。” 长大了,“饭为什么要这样去做?弄清楚了饭再去吃!” 哪有这个可能!