【修心 Cultivating the mind】历事练心 Cultivation of our mind by learning through experience

修心 : 历事练心


来源 Source:

日常师父法语44B 23'24"~24'22" 手抄稿第六册P134 LL2

44B 23'24"~24'22" Vol 6 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse 134 LL2
English Lamrim Vol 1 Pg 185

【Cultivation of our mind】 -by learning through experience

What is indeed truly important is that we need to learn through experience as we face sensory objects [or situations]. This sensory object is not something of the external environment. It is when the sensory object arises, you pay attention to your mind, what is the state of your mind. At that time, if you have an understanding of the sublime teachings, you will know then, “Eh, the mind is being pulled away by the external environment” and you try to pull it back. But you’ll feel that when you try to pull it back, you can’t. This is when it becomes difficult. Or it could be that when you try to bring up [the correct state of mind] and you can’t, there is difficulty then. But that is when the real work of practice happens, i.e. within this situation; this is the time. If you can strive at it for a period of time, then later, eh, “easier it will be to practice what you had initially found difficult to learn.” Gradually and gradually, as time goes by, as soon as you try to bring up [the correct thought], you’ll be able to. Then in the end, even if you did not [intentionally try to] bring up the correct thought, it just comes to you. Once you are at the level where as soon as you wish to bring it up, it arises, then that is when you can delve deeper [into the teachings].


【皈依 Taking refuge】为利有情愿当成佛 To attain Buddhahood in order to benefit all sentient beings


【修心 Cultivating the mind】修就是修改 To practice means to change