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【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】饮食知量者 - 非染污心中量食 Appropriate diet – Eating appropriate food which does not produce afflictions

【修持轨理 - 未修中间如何行者】- 饮食知量者 - 非染污心中量食

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26A 19’28” 手抄稿第四册 P54L3 日常师父法语


这个两方面:吃的时候心里边,注意!「非染污心」,这话好难哦!但是我们一定要摆在心里面,作为我们的目标去做。我自己的经验,我告诉你,它问题不是说这个事情怎么难,问题在不得其巧,以及得到了巧你不肯去做。这个我想说不定在座的很多同修有共同的经验, 就像我那天说的,我刚出家的时候有一个同修跟我说:「唉呀,我现在出了家了,什么都放下了,就是那个嘴巴放不下。」虽然我现在想起来,唉,这个话,这也不去谈它了。至少是个事实。那这个嘴巴是很难放,我花了很大的劲,那时想吃一餐;结果想不到吃了一餐,唉!吃的东西更多,吃过了更难伺候。不、不、不!还是两餐,问题还是不得解决! 多少年来。一直到后来,对这个有一个正确的认识,那时候我就晓得,你在事前一定要先什么,把那个正念现起。

来源 Source:

日常师父法语26A 19’28” 手抄稿第四册 P54L3

26A 19’28” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P54L3
English Lamrim Vol 1 P105

【Meditation Session】【What to do in between meditation sessions】
【Appropriate diet – Eating appropriate food which does not produce afflictions】

【4) Eating appropriate food which does not produce afflictions: 】
This is with regards to consuming food.

【With such food you do not create misdeeds, and you stay happy. 】
This is divided into two parts. When you eat, in your mind, pay attention to this! You eat "food which does not produce afflictions." This is difficult to do! However, we must keep this in our minds and make it our goal. In my own experience, let me tell you, the issue is not about how difficult it is to do it, but whether you have the skillful means, and once you got it, whether you are willing to do so. With regards to this, I think perhaps many of the fellow practitioners sitting here might have the same experience. Just like what I said before, when I was first ordained, a fellow practitioner said to me, "Ah-ya, now that I am ordained, I can let go of everything except my mouth." Although now I can recall this, ah, this statement, we will not discuss it here. At least it is a fact. It is hard to let go of this mouth. I spent a lot of effort on it. At that time I thought I would try to eat just one meal, although just one meal, in the end, ah! I ate even more food. After I ate, I felt worse. No, no, no! Stick with two meals then. The issue was still unresolved! So many years (went by). Until finally I got a more accurate understanding, then I know, you must do something beforehand, it is to let the right mindfulness arise.