【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】于彼行正知 Acting vigilantly with respect to the foundations P3
【修持轨理 - 未修中间如何行者】-正知而行者-于彼行正知
来源 Source:
日常师父法语25B 25’42”手抄稿第四册 P37L8
25B 25’42” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P37L8
English Lamrim Vol 1 P103
【Meditation Session】
【What to do in between meditation sessions】
【Acting vigilantly with respect to the foundations】
【Imbued with both of these, analyze the elements of the situation and analyze how you should proceed; then think about and arrive at an understanding of the situation in light of what you have concluded.】
Just follow the two principles described earlier. In other words, “imbued” means at that moment, your mind remains in this condition, remains in this condition. With the things you are doing, you understand it clearly and thoroughly, and then you abide by the correct understanding and correct thought. This is mindfulness. Then you say with joyous perseverance, “Eh, I now know how I should do this, I definitely do not want to mess it up and do not want to let the afflictions break in.” This joyous perseverance is your best protection. You protect this mindfulness. So imbued with these two things, then you think: “Now that I am doing this thing, analyze the elements of the situation”. So you first analyze how to do it, then “analyze how you should proceed”. So “elements” is to observe the aspects of the situation. Then how you should proceed is the method in which you will deal with it. “Then think about and arrive at an understanding of the situation in light of what you have concluded”. Then you follow the elements and the methods to observe.