【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】五受用业 The five actions of activity in a temple P3
【修持轨理 - 未修中间如何行者】-正知而行者-何为所行事-五受用业
来源 Source:
日常师父法语25B 17’33” 手抄稿第四册 P32LL4
25B 17’33” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P32LL4
English Lamrim Vol 1 P103
【Meditation Session】【What to do in between meditation sessions】
【Acting with vigilance - The foundations upon which you act – The five actions of activity in a temple】
【(3) actions of mind: 】
Lastly, what do we do with our mind?
【sleeping in the middle period of the night; retiring to a quiet place and then not speaking while you think over the meaning of what you have heard, practice concentration by means of the nine mental states, and strive for insight; and when feeling fatigued during hot weather, doing something to dispel your desire to fall asleep at an improper time; and 】
So what do you do with the action of the mind? Perhaps remain silent most of the time. Silence means you do not speak and what you would do during this time. Then you would also need to keep your mind at peace. In the middle period of the night, that is when you sleep. Then, you go to a quiet place and "think over the meaning of what you have heard." So you truly contemplate at that place, and it should be a place where no one will come and interrupt you, or that you can associate with others. Agree? Right! Exactly. "Practice concentration by means of the nine mental states," this practice by means of the nine mental states will be explained in detail under serenity and insight. These nine mental states are the sequence in which we advance. How the first mental state is like, (how) the second is like, and when arriving at the ninth mental state, Samādhi is attained. That is serenity and then followed by insight. Another kind is when you are feeling really hot, since you should not be sleeping because sleeping is allowed only during the middle period of the night, so usually you would get about doing something leisurely to dispel your desire for sleeping. So the only time that we can do something leisurely is at those times