【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】未修中间如何行者 What to do in between meditation sessions P4

【修持轨理 - 未修中间如何行者】



来源 Source:

日常师父法语25A 12’12” 手抄稿第四册 P9L5

25A 12’12” Vol 4 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P9L5
English Lamrim Vol 1 pg 101

【The Meditation Session】
【 What to do in between meditation sessions】

【Therefore, even in between sessions, look at teachings that reveal the meaning of your object of meditation, and recollect it again and again. Accumulate, by many means, the collections, which are favorable conditions for producing good qualities. Also, clear away, by many means, the obscurations, which are unfavorable conditions. 】

So what do you do in between then? There, we should read sutras and commentaries that explain the method of your meditation, i.e. "teachings that reveal the meaning of your object of meditation". Of course, it also includes the instructions from your excellent teacher, the notes which you have taken etc. So then what does it mean to "reveal"? This is because in many of the meditation methods, they do not tell you the principles. For example, it may tell you to visualize, but regarding how to visualize, there isn't much to be said. With recitation of mantras for example, especially in Vajrayana, areas that talk about concordance, as long as you do it accordingly, that will be right. As for the principles of how to do it, why do it, sometimes he does not tell you, but when you actually do it, you will naturally be in concordance. However before meditation, he would certainly have explained the things which are related to what you are doing. He would have a complete explanation of it. So then, with this type of sutra or commentaries [i.e. those explaining your method of meditation], you should continue to read them and reflect after reading. Just like that. What is the purpose of doing this? It is none other than accumulating favourable conditions and clearing away unfavourable conditions.


【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】未修中间如何行者 What to do in between meditation sessions P5


【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】未修中间如何行者 What to do in between Meditation Sessions P3