【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】修持轨理 What to do in between meditation sessions P2
修持轨理 - 未修中间如何行者
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25A 10’02”第四册 P8L6
应该怎么办啊?应该正念、正知保持着,不要让它放逸。所以他说如果说你「不依念知」,这个「依」就是忆念正知,换句话说还是正念正知,你不保持着这个正念正知,就让它放逸。这样的话,你真正产生的功效,非常少,非常少! 所以他真正修的时候,就有这样的条件,全部精神摆在这里修,下了座还在修,不过这个地方是不同的在哪里呢?我们要晓得,你全部精神坐在这个地方的话,那时精力很贯注,我们的的确确要松、紧互相调配,所以你下了座以后,使得你那个身心松驰一下,并不是叫你放散掉。
日常师父法语 25A 10’02”手抄稿第四册 P8L6
25A 10’02 ”Vol 4 of Shifu’s Discourse P8L6
English Lamrim Volume 1, pg 100
【The Meditation Session】
【What to do in between meditation sessions】
What should you do? You must keep your mindfulness and vigilance, and not let it go. So he says if you do "not continue to rely on mindfulness and vigilance", and let it go, in this way, your progress will be very small, very small! So when someone truly meditates, there is this condition - you need to focus your entire attention to meditate [during the actual meditation session], and you are still meditating after ending the session. But what is the difference between the two states? We should know, when you are meditating, you devote your entire attention, that is when you devote all your energy. So now we certainly need to adjust and harmonize between being tight and loose. So after you end the session, you need to relax your body and mind for a while, but not to completely let it go.