【修持轨理 The Meditation Session】正行 - 总共修法 Actual session-How to sustain the meditation in general P17
【修持轨理】正行 - 总共修法
其实这个不但是这里,我们不妨看看天台智者大师写的《小止观》,那个《小止观》叫「童蒙止观」是吧!那个小孩子初机第一步,它也告诉我们,到那个时候你真正前面的准备好了,然后发誓愿决定要这样下去。如果看过《小止观》的一定有这个印象,没有一个例外的跑到这样。好! 决定不动摇,「修如所定」,就是前面决定的;「不令修余」,其他的不动它。是的,的的确确是一门深入,你是摸到门了,然后是登堂入室的时候。现在我们真可怜、真可怜,都在门外空转,还自己觉得:「啊!这个我在那儿一门深入。」浪费一生事小,生生世世在那个地方空流转。
日常师父法语 24B 00’04”手抄稿第三册 P271L1
24B 00’04” Vol 3 of Master Jih-Chang’s Discourse P271L1
English Lamrim Volume 1, pg 100
【The Meditation Session】Actual session-How to sustain the meditation in general
【Then, strengthen your will by repeatedly thinking, "I will not set up something that is different from what I have determined." 】
Another type - there are people who march on the same spot; they march at length and feel that they are actually getting somewhere. In this case, they are being shifted by the winds of external conditions/situations all day long without being aware of it. You must know in advance what it is like to be shifted and what your mental actions/behavior are like when you are not shifted [by the winds of external conditions]. This should be very plain and clear in your mind. Then there are times when you are determined, but you are still unable to withstand the strong winds from external conditions. Therefore, you aspire that you must do this and will not waver under any circumstances! That is the way.
Actually this is not only said here. We might want to look at the Lesser Serenity and Insight written by the great master, Venerable Zhì Zhě of Tiān Tái. The Lesser Serenity and Insight is called "Juvenile Serenity and Insight", right? It is like the first step for a child and also explains the same thing, i.e. after you have truly made adequate preparations in advance, then you should make a vow and be determined to persevere on. If you have read about the Lesser Serenity and Insight, I am sure you would still have that impression. There is no exception to this. Alright! You are determined and will not waver from "what I have determined" earlier. "I will not set up something that is different" and will not practice other things. Yes. This will indeed be going in depth in one method. You have found the door and it is time for you to enter the stage. But for us now, it is really pitiful, really pitiful. We are just going round in a circle outside the door. On top of that, we feel that, "Ah! I am going in depth in a particular method." Wasting one lifetime is considered trivial when compared to circling around on the same spot life after life to no avail.